Sunday, December 9, 2007

Flight Out

Scheduled to get a wake up call at 6:30 AM to let us know if we are on or off for a 10 AM flight. Tough thing is that is 3:30 AM KC time, which my body still seems to be following. Finally got some free time tonite (and an open computer) to post again.

Spent the entire day with briefings and equipment checks, had to go to the logistics office to pick up my sleeping bag and boots (they are huge). They really want to make sure everyone is prepared for the worst case and they go to great lengths to make sure everyone is ready.

We will ride in a Russian made jet, and sit in the military style jumpseats on the way in. We will need to carry our cold weather stuff on the plane as our luggage is already being loaded. We will have to gear up prior to landing, cuz once we are down, we will be on our own.

Talked to a guy today who is going down when we do, he is going to drive to the Pole of Inexcessability - This is the point that is furthest from any other land in the world, not really sure how they will find it if it is called the Pole of Inexcessability, but he seemed pretty confident. He pointed it out on a huge map of Antartica and it is probably 800-1000 miles from where we will be at... promises to be a pretty neat trip. Apparently there are several poles:

1. Where the lines of Longitude and Latitude meet.
2. The magnetic pole.
3. The actual pole... The focus point that the earth revolves around.
4. The Pole of inexcessability.

And I am sure there are others that I do not know about.

Anyway, they are driving for over 20 days to several of the Poles, where they will then be met by a plane, which will trade them out with some scientists who will drive back and study the snow or something (proving that no two flakes are alike). Was an interesting conversation however. I have decided I would like to have his job.

Also decided to run the 100k (60 mile) race after the marathon. Not sure how that will go, as 60 miles is a fair distance to run (or walk) but I would hate to go down there and not at least try it.

Gotta go and get some sleep now.